I just returned from my bonus daughter’s volleyball game where she played lights out! I hugged her afterwards and told her, among other things, that she was a force of nature. I lifted her up, I affirmed her. Later, as I ran back to the bathroom before making the long drive home, I heard her tell a group of her teammates, “I’m a force of nature!” She didn’t know I was there. My heart literally grew three sizes.

Your kids and loved ones, and even strangers, absorb what you say about them. 


Five things I’m jazzed about this weeK

1)  You’ve got to listen to the pod this week about my work trip and eventual solo vaca to DC. I love telling you the story behind the story. And there was so much to tell that I spilt it into two parts. You will get part two next week! 

2) Solo-vacas. Even if its for a night. Have you ever taken one? They are liberating, refreshing, and soul-altering. I would love to hear about your solo-vacas and even see pics. If you can’t get away for a long time or are a little intimidated, pick a comfy hotel you love, pack a bag with candles, your favorite books or snacks and go away. Make it a 24 hour retreat of the soul. Do travel angels on the bed. We’ve got this one life, please live it my love.

Rachel wearing a Martin Luther King Jr shirt

3) This sermon by Mark Batterson. While #ImChangingtheNarrative is not faith-based, I am. If you came to this newsletter and don’t want to hear about GOD, feel free to keep reading beyond this point, but for those of you that are the least bit curious, CLICK THE LINK! Wow, just wow! And for my history nerds I learned about Beethoven composing music AFTER he went deaf. 

4) I’m really marinating on being our authentic selves this week. If you missed the post on the subject, I hope this makes you giggle!

5) Betting on yourself. When was the last time you spoke up, spoke out, and bet on yourself? That’s exactly what I did in DC and it paid off in such a beautiful way. I also teach people to do this in their own lives. One of my greatest joys is coaching. Right now I am coaching an NFL exec, two CEOs and besties of a company, a STRONG momma and coach/speaker, and someone who has quite possibly the best radio voice I’ve ever heard and a heart of gold. What do they all have in common? The JOY they bring me getting to play a teensy role in their stories. If you have ever been curious about my coaching, either the group that kicks off again in January, or the 1x1 that is available now, head on over to and check it out. I would love to book a discovery call with you. 

Listen to the podcast here


Hello, Joystarters. Hope you're having a great week. Oh my gosh. Do I have a journey to take you on this week about some amazing things that I experienced in DC. If you have been to DC, I'm gonna tell you about some places that you likely heard of. If you haven't been to DC, I'm going to share some places that you need to go and need to experience and some of the things that I experienced along the way. Some things that happened to me, some things that just blew my mind, that stole my heart. All of the things.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:00:48]:

So I hope you are having an amazing week, joy starter. I hope that wherever this finds you on this Thursday or whenever you listen to this podcast, that, you are thriving, that you are reviving, that you're coming back to life, that you are soaking in all that this life has to All for you. And if you're not, if you're not, if you are just hanging on by a thread, I feel you. I've been there before, And I wanna encourage you to keep hanging on, keep digging in, keep getting getting introspective, keep, going deep, keep listening to podcasts like this, Keep immersing yourself and surrounding yourself with joyful people. Keep educating yourself, and never never quit. Never quit. That's it. Keep being relentless.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:01:39]:

Alright. So I have to take you back. 1st of all, I told you last week about this opportunity that I had to go to DC. And it was with this this group called the World Culture Festival. Like, 400,000 people descended on Washington DC on the National Mall to experience happiness and peace and unity and all the things, and there were dancers. There were folk dancers from Bolivia. There were dancers from India. There were all these different countries that were represented.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:02:13]:

They were beautiful. I've gotta share some of the video. It was just really, really outstanding, but I was asked to come to be a part of something called the Global Leadership Forum. So I'm gonna take you through, minute by minute, you know, behind the scenes, what happened to me. So I get there Friday night, and I immediately put my stuff up in the room, and I go downstairs to grab a bite to eat. And I look up, and there is because it's playoff baseball, and there is my friend, Melanie Newman, on the TV. And I scream like this. You know? And I said, that's my friend.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:02:50]:

That's my friend. And so for anybody who's a a baseball fan, she is in terms of being a female, Female radio announcer, baseball with a specialization in baseball. She's she's had had so many firsts. She's been amazing. She's been featured. She's been rightly featured, I should say. But the Orioles, they were talking about the Orioles, and and there she was. And I screamed, and I was so I told everybody around me that would listen.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:03:17]:

That was my friend. So if you've never checked out Melanie Newman, you go check out Melanie Newman. Google her and tell your little girls and your big girls, and for all my kings as well, this is what we can do. We can break ceilings. We can be first. We can do things. We can do amazing things. And so I just had to start with that.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:03:36]:

I had to tell you how excited I was. So get some food, get a big, huge, yummy salad, which If you've listened to this podcast long enough, you know that I'm always trying to tell you good tips, little tips, things that I do. I, by no means, do I have it figured out. By no means am I an expert. And by all means, do I get French fries on a trip? I absolutely do. Because French fries are the thing that I could eat probably every day the rest of my life and never get tired of them. I don't know what that thing is for you, but for me, that's French fries. So what do I do? I have to counterbalance that.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:04:12]:

I obviously don't eat French fries every day of my life, But I could if it didn't affect the bottom line. No. I'm just kidding. But I do get salads. One of the the tips that I've given in the newsletter, Given in this podcast, if you're new, there's a ton of new people, experiencing this podcast because I've spoken at a bank. Shout out to Arvest. I've spoken at a women's conference called GRIT, and then the the, you know, the the subject to the story, I just spoke at a global leadership forum. So I get this salad, the Friday night.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:04:46]:

I see Melanie on the TV. I talk for a little bit. I go up to my room. And the people that were Organizing this thing. We're like, hey. There's performances on the National Mall tonight. Would you like to come? And I said, yeah. Yeah.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:04:56]:

I'm just gonna sit down for just 1 minute, take my shoes off. And before I knew it, y'all, I I was napping at 7 PM. And then I woke up and woke up for a little bit, kind of Gathered my my thoughts after a a night nap, and then I fell asleep again before before midnight. And then finally went back to sleep again at midnight. I had a early morning the next morning. So, yeah, when you nap twice before you even go to bed, Probably, my body was telling me I did not need to go to the performances that night. I needed to get ready for the next day, and surely, I did. So The next morning, I was so excited, to be at this event.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:05:37]:

I would be excited to be at this event even if I wasn't A part of it because they were talking about the global stage and business, and there were leaders, A 1000 people from all over the world, literally all over the world, leaders in technology, nonprofit, and business. And, they were talking about wellness and compassion and kindness and mental health in business and AI. And where does that have a place in the business world? And so, again, I would be pumped to be there even if I wasn't a part of it, but I had gotten Call from the people that I'm doing some of the projects with that were a part of this World Culture Festival, and they asked me, hey. Do you wanna be a moderator of a panel, or do you wanna be a panelist? Now I'm gonna tell you my background, my what I've done for all of these years, I initially thought moderator. I'll moderate. That's what I do. I've hosted. I have experience in live television and and live radio and timing and all of those things.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:06:45]:

But the more I thought about it, and I didn't have long to think about it. First of all, there's decisions you kinda have to make pretty quickly. I didn't have long to think about it. But then I thought, okay. If I'm the moderator, I'm asking questions. But from the panelist, they're asking me questions. Right? And how cool would that be? And so then I asked the person that was making the decision, hey. Do you already have the script written out if you're if I choose to be the moderator moderator? And they said, yes.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:07:10]:

We do. So I prayed about it for a moment, and I thought, you know what? I'm gonna bet on me. I'm gonna bet on me. I'm gonna be a panelist Because you know what? I as as much as I'm humbled and honored and looking up at god and saying, me, god? Like, me? Me? I I'm I'm gonna bet on me. I'm gonna say I'm worthy enough to be on this panel with a international soccer coach and soccer star and Just really, really important people and people that have to do with FIFA and ethics and all of these people and me. Right? And so I bet on me. And so 1st takeaway from this podcast this week is Bet On You this week. Faith, Fitness, and Audaciousness, episode 2, season 2.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:07:53]:

Faith, Fitness, and Audaciousness. I was audacious, and I bet on me. And so our panel was towards the end of the day. Didn't know what time the Panel was. Didn't know any of those things till I got there. And and and I'm looking to the program, and I find out that our panel's at the end And the the 1st panels were were great. 2nd, 3rd panel. My panel was at the end. And so they came up and they told me they said, you know, hey, it's kinda running over a little bit, so the panel is squished. So we're short on time. I said, that's fine. That's totally fine. And I have to tell you, because this is behind the scenes still, I have to tell you that I have this yellow suit.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:08:49]:

It's like yellow green. And if you've seen it, maybe if you've seen any of my pictures for my book. And it's it's like my power suit. I don't know if you have something in your closet that you're like, bam. Bam. Like, I walk in in this, and I feel confident. I feel joyful. I feel myself.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:09:08]:

I don't feel self conscious. You just know it's for me, it's happy. It radiates joy. I wore it for my the day my book launched, I wore it to do my photo shoot for my book, and I wore it on a day like this. In a room, I saw the room. This place, this world culture festival has been all over the world. I've seen pictures of past ones, and every but a lot of people were in dark suits, And I just wanted to match my personality and match my joy, so I wore my yellow suit. And so get up on the stage, they call us, And they had water for other people, but the water up there was used.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:09:42]:

And by the time, like, this you know, I'm realizing, I'm like, oh, my throat is so dry. I'm like, I hope I you know, this is all going on in my head, by the way. On the surface like a duck, I'm just, you know, I'm just swimming, swimming, swimming. And so I I'm like, oh gosh. I need water, but by this time, it's starting and all of those things. So they asked this coach, this international soccer coach, amazing man, by the way. And they they talked about he talked about his answer was when they lose taking 24 hours to Feel the pain. 24 hours to, to pause, right, and to and to think about what transpired.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:10:20]:

And I knew with this panel being very short that if I wanted to, answer a question, I knew they would come to me for 1 question, maybe 2, because, again, it had been shortened. And I felt like something I had something valuable to say. I needed to be bold She doesn't do that. And so in listening to somebody else, again, 2 ears, 1 mouth, listening to his really astute answer, I saw a place where I could say something, where I could add. And I said and - here's another thing …. when I'm on a panel, when I'm in a live situation, the mic is not slack if it's a handheld on my lap, it's near my mouth so that if I can add value, if I can back somebody up, if I can affirm them, or if I have to respectfully disagree, I can do that.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:11:06]:

So I had my mic there, and I said, if I might add to what he said, I said, so many of us are terrified of our pain, and we won't and I'm just paraphrasing. Now we won't we won't sit with our pain, But that is where the true growth lies. The true power lies is when we we sit with our pain. I said, you know, some of the things that come from pain like anger and different things like That that's just the symptom. Let's get to the root of it. And that then all of a sudden, the audience goes mhmm. Mhmm. And later on, I was able to talk about the choice of being bitter or better.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:11:39]:

And because he asked me about, you know, you've been through some great things and some hard things in your life, and I told him I've learned more face down in the mud than I ever did high on the mountain top.

Hey, Joystarters. Here's a thought: If you purchased the book and you loved it, I need a favor. I need you to tell a friend about it. I need you to buy a friend a copy. I need you to share about it in your group, in your church. Tell your pastor, somebody at work, whatever it may be.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:12:12]:

I recently have been speaking at events where the event organizer bought everybody a book, so they went home with a copy. And what I wanted to tell them and what I wanna tell you is if you get a free copy or however you came across a copy, if you bought a copy, if you loved it, More than a few people have been doing this where they just buy several copies to give away. I take copies in my bag at the airport to give to people and to bless people. And so, that's my ask of you. And if you can't afford to buy somebody a copy right now, I totally understand. Just tell somebody about it. Tell 5 peoples about it. Tell 10 amazing souls about the book.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:12:50]:

I so appreciate you. And what I'm learning now through this recent news that we're on a bestseller list is that people are telling people about it. And to see a book do well later on after publishing, that's what's happening. People are telling other people about it. So if you like this book, if there's a chapter you liked. If you loved it, if you remotely liked it, tell somebody about the book. And, also, if you can, buy them a copy. Love you guys.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:13:17]:

Thanks, Joystarters. And and oh, I was rocking a Joystarter button, #joystarter button. And if you don't have those yet and you want those, we are making those available on my website where you can order those. We are working on that as we speak As well as the app, it got held up again, out of my hands technology, in the review process, but doing so many things in the background. But I have my #joystarter button on my lanyard. And I looked down, and I said and I teach people to be a Joystarter. And a Joystarter is somebody who notices joy, spreads joy and is joy. And so for me, that moment, y'all, that moment that came from betting on myself, that came from being audacious and bold enough to step in, after somebody else finished.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:14:03]:

Not not interrupting him because I'm working on that, by the way. You know, I teach you all the things I'm working on, and that is listening to listen and not listening just to respond. Shutting my trap. A big old mouth of the south and using my 2 ears. So I listened to him, processed it, and then thought I could add value. But those things came out of and being able to tell a room of a 1000 people about being a joy starter Came out of being audacious and being bold and betting on myself and saying, you are worthy, Rachel, of being on that panel. You've done some amazing things. Don't down yourself.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:14:40]:

You can be humble, but don't down yourself. And and, and and so I wanna tell you I'm getting tongue tied here because I'm passionate. I wanna tell you that you 2 are worthy. Don't you down yourself. Today, as you listen to this podcast, may you be bold and audacious, and may you get To put your ideas out in the world, I want that for you at the next meeting that you're in. When they say, Anybody else have thoughts or ideas and you've got an idea that you know can make your company better or the world better or business or whatever it is, May you be audacious and bold and stand up and share it. May you be audacious and bold to bet on yourself. That's the lesson from this story.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:15:24]:

So I did the panel, short and sweet. And the other kinda cool thing was I was sitting in a table. It was table 50 towards, like, the middle, like, left to kinda back ish, and I didn't tell anybody at my table, I'm a panelist. I'm a panelist. Don't you know I'm a panelist? I'm special. You know, I didn't say anything like that. I didn't draw attention to myself. I met everybody.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:15:44]:

I'm sat next to a superintendent to the right of me who took a school from one of the highest dropout rates in California to one of the highest graduation rates. He is a joy starter, And I can't wait to do work with him, but I met him. I met people at my table. It was just so fantastic. I met people around me. My friend Eric from Same Here Global was there as well, and he was at the next table over. And all my friends from the Art of Living and the World Culture festival festival were there, so it was just great. So I go and I do this panel, and then I come and sit back down.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:16:21]:

They're like, oh, wait. Yeah. Wow. That's awesome. You know? And, of course, the yellow suit. You know? You can't miss me. And so I had, packed Little bags, like, little tiny little satin bags to put my my buttons in that have a QR code that leads back to my website, A business card. Two buttons for each person, a button for you, keep your joy, and the 2nd button is to give away your joy.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:16:46]:

And so I packed these little bags and I had stuffed them, and so I handed them out to people. And I I believe and I'm proud of myself. My mom would be proud of me. My grandmother would be proud of me. My dad would be proud of me. My mister May would be proud of me. And my living people are proud of me that I represented myself well, and I could feel my people in heaven proud of me. And, and I was proud of me.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:17:09]:

That's, I think, that's a record to say proud in the shortest amount of time. But I handed those out, and it was just a great day. What people said to me was your passion, your energy, it just jumped out. And y'all, to me, like, that is one of the greatest Compliments that you can give me passion and energy, like you comes out in front of you. I I loved it. And so that was Saturday, all day until about 3 o'clock, and then we networked and and those things and took a little rest. I watched Auburn almost beat Georgia, and I told my husband, War Eagles. Sometimes I hate football.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:17:43]:

You know? And, there were definitely positive things to take away from it, but it was still a loss at the end of the day and it sucked. But I still loved football. Went down and caught some of the the performances at the World Culture Festival and then called it a night Because the next day in DC was probably one of the busiest days that I've had In a really, really long time, and and I did it on purpose. Right? I planned it. So Mark Batterson is the author of The Circle Maker. I talked about him last week in the podcast or excuse me, in the newsletter. If you're not signed up for the newsletter, you absolutely should be. We work really hard to get you a newsletter each week and a podcast each week.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:18:27]:

And by the way, on this podcast, in the future, you're gonna be hearing some drop in podcasts. I'm collaborating with some people that will be dropping in their podcast in the feed. You will be hearing some old interviews and some things that I've done in the past We're just so dang good. I wanna pull them up out of the vault and give them to you today, Faith Fitness and Audaciousness. So you'll be you'll be hearing those. So I sent Mark Batterson, again, another audacious move. I sent Mark Batterson a couple of months ago.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:18:55]:

We have a mutual friend, Kevin Warren, who was the head of the big ten and now is Senate of the Bears. I sent him a a a DM. What's the worst that could happen? Said, hey. We have a mutual friend. I'd love to send you a copy of my book. I did. He got it. He acknowledged that he got it.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:19:10]:

Was very, very kind, and I said, I'm gonna be coming to your church. And he said, “Can't wait to say hi, and that sounds great.” And so Sunday, I knew it was gonna be a long day because his church service was, I think, at 9 AM. It was, yeah, I believe it was at 9 AM, and it was amazing. If you are in DC, please, please, please Make time on a Sunday to go to and if it's your thing, right, if faith is your thing, if Jesus is your thing, if God is your thing, and if not, we still want you to listen to podcast and feel inclusive and take the bits away from this that are for you, but I'm never gonna be ashamed of my faith And and what I believe, and I'm always gonna put it out there and be bold and audacious. And you take it's like the lunch line. You take what is for you And what you need for you. So it's National Community Church.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:19:58]:

So I go. I'm so excited. I walk out, And I've got I've got this is the best. I've got this romper on from Walmart, y'all. Walmart. Walmart is on the up and up. They have been for years with their fashion, with their home decor, with all of the things. My girlfriend Melissa, If you're on Instagram, go follow her Walmart wins.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:20:22]:

That's her Instagram account. She shows you all the good things you can order from Walmart On a budget, which I'm a budget girl. I like nice things here and there, but I will scream to the rooftops about my budget finds. So I walk out in my Walmart romper and my little glasses from 5 Below, another cheap store, and a pink hat, and and And I'm getting ready to go. And I'm outside waiting on my Uber driver, and I'm taking a selfie. And this woman comes up and says, no. Let me take it. And so she did.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:20:53]:

And she took the cutest picture, and then we started talking, and we made friends, and I gave her a button, and we took a picture together. And, Again, just these there's just a a1000000 in my life, but each one of them are glittering diamonds of of, experiences of meeting people that are, whoo, that are just so they they fill my soul. They make me who I am. They give me value. They give my life value. They let me know that that I matter and I'm on the right track. Just a momentary Momentary little in in time. I'll never see her again.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:21:28]:

I likely will not be in communication with her again, but that's what happened. And so I go I go to church. It's unreal off the charts. Mark preaches a great sermon. I will put the link to his sermon in the show notes. Oh my gosh. One of the best sermons I have ever heard, and it's probably gonna go in the book, which by the way pause. I just started working on my 2nd book.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:21:54]:

I just started working on my 2nd book. I just started working on my 2nd book. Just started working on my 2nd book. Woo hoo. Happy dance. Happy dance. And, and and it was just unreal. I heard God speak to me.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:22:05]:

We ended up taking communion. It was a Sunday, nothing by accident. And again, a woman stops me at the back, and she's like, Oh my gosh. This outfit, you know, blah blah blah. And I'm like, Walmart. You know? So this continues to happen about the outfit all day long. I go from church, The outfit and the and the cheap glasses from 5 Below. I go from there.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:22:25]:

I go change hotels. I go to The Natural History Museum. I do go to the Smithsonian, American History Museum. I did the art gallery just for a little bit. Didn't to do a ton of that, but I sat. My feet were killing me by this time. I sat in their Atrium Cafe, and I had a cappuccino, And I had a water, and I had a avocado toast, and I watched people, and I was kind. And every single person I interacted with.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:22:58]:

No matter if they were my Uber driver or checking me out, I just tried to have a word. Call them by their name. I tried to make their day better. Aug Mandino has a quote It says beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness, and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same. Y'all, I put that in my book, and it's the way I try to live. I got it from my mom, my grandmother.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:23:27]:

I got from God, but even a friend of mine said that I ended up meeting for dinner. We squeezed that in too, so I go from the museums, and then my feet were Killing me. My dogs were barking. And, my feet were killing me, so I found the best. It's off the beaten track. If you're going to DC, if you live in DC, if you're going back to DC, KOA Foot Massage. The man there doesn't speak a lot of English. I could have been his only customer all day.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:23:54]:

Maybe somebody was coming after me. Somebody called. But in terms of, like, You know, pain points and reflexology, probably, like, unlike anything I've I've I've ever had. Like, was it a massage? Did it hurt sometimes? Yes. But my feet felt so much better afterwards. And then I went and had dinner With at the place called Founding Farmers, which they support a co op out of North Dakota. They did they, it supports small business. The food was phenomenal.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:24:27]:

Chef's Kiss, founding farmer's Chef's Kiss. But my girlfriend there got to meet her new husband. She said, You know, you make friends wherever you go. You make friends wherever you go. And so I am gonna be writing about it in a new book, but I wanna just put it out here for you right Now we talked about being audacious and betting on yourself and believing in yourself and and being bold and standing up and saying what's on your mind and not having regrets in the early part of this Cass. But the other thing I wanna share with you is this, is that before if if you say, well, that's just not me, Rachel. That's not me. K? This is not me.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:25:02]:

I just I don't I don't you're different. I'm not like that. I'm introverted. You can even if you're introverted, you can make a mental I I told my friend this on a podcast recently. You can make a mental decision before you go out. I'm gonna be open. My or my my energy field, you know, that might be too woo woo for you. My aura, my personality, my energy.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:25:26]:

Whatever you wanna I'm gonna be open to meeting people. I'm gonna be open to talking to people. I'm gonna be open to to encountering everything that God has for me and every single person that I met. And I haven't even gotten through Half of the trip yet. Yeah. The first half of the trip, it were little jewels, little little prisms, little diamonds of experiences that I was supposed to meet. Their smiles, to me, were worth more than a physical Deposit in the bank. You know? I say that all the time.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:25:59]:

People are my currency. Therefore, I'm a billionaire. And that's exactly what happened to me. And so I want to encourage you encourage you that you make a mental decision when you're on a business trip, when you're traveling. And don't even get me started about solo travel. Hi. We're gonna split this podcast and the story of DC into 2 2 episodes because there is So much more I wanna tell you, and I am not gonna squish it in. I'm not gonna tame it down.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:26:29]:

And I this is the last takeaway for you Is that I hope that you are you in all your glory. Right? If you're an introvert, I told kids this. If you're an introvert, stop trying to make yourself an extrovert. Be the most wonderful introvert you can be, but decide to be open if there is an opportunity to connect in your own introverted way because we still need people as introverts. Right? We still need the human connection. If you're an extrovert and you're extra, just be you in all your glory. Stop trying to change yourself. Stop trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:27:02]:

Can y'all tell I'm jacked on this podcast? I am jacked. I am jacked. I'm jacked to tell this story. I'm jacked to share. I'm jacked to teach. And I just love you guys. I love you guys. I'm gonna pause it here, and part 2 is coming next week.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:27:18]:

Dun dun dun dun. We're splitting this into 2 because I'm not I'm not gonna squish this in. I've got so much more to tell you about the end of the trip, about what I learned at some of the museums, I had what happened to me at the airport on the way home and how God has you exactly where you are meant to be, Exactly where you are meant to be, and there are no coincidences. So I hope you have enjoyed today a little bit about the back Story of, being in DC, experiencing what I experienced, betting on myself. Yep. You're gonna go bet on yourself. Being bold, being audacious, and deciding to be open deciding to be open and being you in all your glory, whoever that is. Those are the takeaways for this week's podcast.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:28:08]:

I love you guys. I adore you guys. I do this for you. I'm so thankful for all of our new listeners and all of our old listeners, And we've got so many amazing things that are happening. I will share those in the next podcast. But in the meantime, if you're listening to this podcast, do you know I don't talk about this much. Do you know that if you go to and, there's a store button. I'm wearing a shirt right now that's so comfy.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:28:36]:

I love it. So soft, and it says, “I’m the product of my ancestors’ prayers and dreams.” We have the coolest shop. There are stickers there. There are shirts there. There are mugs there, and I love it when people something that I've said or something that we put on a shirt That you go wear it, that you go give it to a friend that ends up on your computer or your favorite water bottle, which, oh, by the way, Little part of faith, fitness, and audaciousness. I've committed myself. I'm ordering some stainless steel shaker bottles.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:29:07]:

I've committed to myself. I'm gonna try to stop as much as I can drinking out of plastics. I read a study the other day about microplastics. All you have to do is just microplastics and hit news. The news ain't good. Ending up in our lungs, ending up in in in our cells, in our bloodstream. So I'm trying to make a a concerted effort, faith, fitness, and audaciousness. And if you don't know what that is or what I'm talking about, you gotta get on the newsletter.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:29:35]:

It's one of our goals, our big goals, our audacious hairy goals for the next 90 days or to think faith, fitness and audaciousness, and that's what I'm doing, and that's what I'm sharing with you. So go check out the store, get signed up for the newsletter, And by all means, please please share this podcast ask you every week. It helps us grow it. We cannot grow without you. If you love it, if you like it, if there's one thing you like or you love, please share it with somebody at work, a friend, a church group, a group, and just say, I think you would like this podcast. She's zany like me. She's passionate like me or she's different, and I still like her Or she annoys me a bit, but I love her. You know? I don't know how you feel about me, and that's okay.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:30:22]:

Right? Because I'm gonna be me. That's what I taught you in all my glory. I'm teaching you the same thing, but please share it. And then if you have not, given us the stars, we hope you'll say 5 stars. And then we'll also hope you will leave a review. All those things help us so much as we're learning how to grow this podcast on the back end in different ways because the more people we can affect, the more people we can touch. And lastly, very quickly before part 2 next week, Please, if you're not on the email list or you can send me a message, a DM, an email, all my emails go to me. If you want the mental health battle plan that we created, a free, totally free, resource for you.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:31:02]:

Just let me know, and we can get that to you, but it is also will be in the newsletter again this week. So I bid you my due. I love you guys so much. I'll see you next week for part 2 of my solo adventure to DC and all The lessons I learned. Love you guys. Rachel Joy Barbot here. Did You know, and I'm so excited to announce it, that I am gonna be coaching again. I have coached for years years.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:31:36]:

Years ago, I coached sportscasters 47 years. It was the joy of my life to be able to lead sportscasters on their journey. And then once I quit sports casting, I began joy coaching, helping people find what sets their soul on fire, creating movements, bringing that thing that's been in your soul into the world, and we are starting a small a very small and intimate Group coaching program, August 15th. I also have 2 spots available, just 2, because I wanna give you my all, for 1 on 1 coaching. So if you wanna check it out and get all the information, we want you to head on over to, and make sure you sign up for the email list. That makes you a VIP. You're already a VIP in my heart. It makes you a VIP, and that way you will get information on The coaching program, when I'm gonna be in your town, events I'm doing, how you can be a joy starter, how you can get your joy starter buttons, all the things.

Rachel Joy Baribeau [00:32:37]:

I love you guys, and I'm so thankful for you.


Embrace Your Journey: Your Winning Season Awaits